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Home About Dental Blog Oral Conditions and Diseases to Watch Out For

Oral Conditions and Diseases to Watch Out For

Posted on 4/26/2021 by Alan Snodgrass
Oral Conditions and Diseases to Watch Out ForYou may be following the recommended oral hygiene routine diligently and yet end up developing oral conditions as poor oral hygiene is not the only reason why our oral health starts to deteriorate. If you want to protect your teeth, you should always be on the lookout for the following oral health conditions.

Gingivits and Periodontitis

Gingivitis is gum inflammation because of poor oral hygiene. If you notice your gums turn a brighter pink or red and bleed when you brush your teeth, you should come in for a professional dental cleaning. Gingivitis develops because of plaque, which you can get rid of through professional dental cleaning. If left untreated, it can develop into periodontitis or gum disease.

Periodontitis leads to gum recession, bleeding, bad breath, and tissue damage. It can eventually lead to tooth loss if left unidentified and untreated. Periodontitis can also be an indication of other severe medical conditions such as kidney disease and diabetes.

Trench Mouth

Trench mouth is acute gingivitis that develops in rare instances. Smokers, malnourished children, those with autoimmune disorders are all susceptible to the development of Trench Mouth.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth syndrome is characterized by a decrease in saliva production in the mouth. Other symptoms include bad breath, sore throat, difficulty chewing and swallowing food, thick saliva, sticky feeling in the mouth, mouth infections, altered sense of taste, etc. It can also be a symptom of diabetes, stroke, or other medical conditions, which is why you should watch out for dry mouth syndrome.

Oral Thrush

If you wear dentures, you are more susceptible to the development of oral thrush. The typical symptom of oral thrush is a sticky white film on the tongue. People with a weak immune system are also at risk of developing oral thrush, which is more commonly known as yeast overgrowth.

If you want more information on oral and dental conditions to watch out for, visit Thurston Oaks Dental for a consultation and an oral examination today.
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