We all know we're supposed to floss but perhaps choosing the right product will coax you into becoming a practitioner.
There's waxed and unwaxed, flavored and unflavored, regular and tape type. There's floss made of Teflon, special holders and intra-dental devices for people with limited dexterity. And you know floss has hit the big time when Salon Magazine has an article about floss rings!
G-Floss is nonabrasive gauze designed to curve around implants. For bridgework, there's super floss, a three-in-one including a stiffened end to insert between the fixed part and the bridging section and a woven part to work over and under the bridge.
If you need a primer on proper flossing technique, ask your dental hygienist or check out www.colgate.com which provides visuals and instruction.