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Home About Dental Blog What Can Cause Wisdom Tooth Pain That Will Come And Go?

What Can Cause Wisdom Tooth Pain That Will Come And Go?

Posted on 4/24/2023 by Evan
What Can Cause Wisdom Tooth Pain That Will Come And Go?Since wisdom teeth erupt progressively over time, the symptoms also manifest intermittently. As a result, you will no longer have consistent pain from your wisdom teeth. Instead, the discomfort from your wisdom teeth will come and go over time. Your third molars may be exerting pressure on your other teeth. This is because most people's lips are not big enough to accommodate the food they want. As a result, the wisdom tooth continues to develop and puts pressure on the other teeth. This may lead to discomfort and pain that is felt in the wisdom teeth that come and go.

Additionally, your wisdom teeth have the potential to become impacted, which indicates that the molar has not yet emerged from the gums. This may lead to two possible outcomes: either your wisdom tooth will become partly visible or impacted under your gums. This indicates that it will likely develop at an obtuse or twisted angle. As a direct consequence, you will feel both pain and discomfort.

A Wisdom Tooth Infection Can Cause Reoccurring Pain

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause an infection. In addition to this, it will place an excessive amount of strain on your jaw. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, you will have numbness, infection, and pain that comes and goes at random intervals.

The condition may make the pain associated with wisdom teeth intolerable, and you may suffer several other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, be on the lookout for advice on determining whether or not you have an infection in your wisdom teeth.

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