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Home About Dental Blog Here is the important reason for flossing

Here is the important reason for flossing

Posted on 2/21/2022 by Evan
Here is the important reason for flossingTaking care of your dental hygiene is vital for you to maintain optimal oral health. Flossing is an effective dental habit that can keep your teeth and gums healthy for a long time. Our dentists recommend that you floss daily and especially after taking a meal. When you floss, brush, and maintain regular dental visits, you will have taken significant strides towards achieving a perfect smile and optimal oral health. You might be wondering why our dentists emphasize the benefits of flossing. At our clinic, our dental experts will always educate you on the best dental practices.

Removing Plaque

Dental plaque is the mixture between food particles and bacteria in your mouth. Dental plaque becomes sticky and can get attached to the surface of your teeth and gums. Plaque is one of the primary causes of decays and cavities. It is therefore mandatory that you remove or prevent its formation to protect your gums and teeth. Flossing is an effective and recommended habit that can get rid of the plaque, and at the same time prevent it from forming. Flossing removes the food parties in your mouth to leave your mouth in pristine condition.

Cleans In Between Your Teeth

Your toothbrush can be effective in removing food particles and plaque from the surface of your teeth and gums but cannot penetrate in between your teeth. Flossing can remove food particles and plaque from these areas to ensure wholesome oral hygiene and health.

Maintain Regular Visits

Even with flossing dental problems can arise, requiring the intervention of a dentist. Book an appointment at our office through our number. We are a caring family clinic that is always ready to offer you dental assistance.
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Monday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 7:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 7:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 12:00pm


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Thurston Oaks Dental, 4305 NE Thurston Way, Suite A, Vancouver, WA 98662 | (360) 514-9212 | | 9/12/2024 | Associated Words: dentist Vancouver WA |