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Home About Dental Blog How Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Oral Health

How Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Oral Health

Posted on 3/8/2021 by Alan Snodgrass
How Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Oral HealthGoing to the dentist may not occur to you when experiencing allergy symptoms, but seasonal allergies do have a direct link with oral health. Allergies are a menace that can cause headaches, sniffling, and sneezing.
Your teeth and gums may get affected due to seasonal allergies. At Thurston Oaks Dental, we can assist you in diagnosing allergies and offer remedial measures.

Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies often lead to oral discomfort. Here are 3 common symptoms you need to look out for:

Tooth Pain

Sinus pain is a common reaction when your system feels attacked by pollen and dust. Sinuses are the hollow areas inside your head. Allergies can cause them to get jammed with mucus, resulting in aches in your face. Sinuses are located directly above your mouth, which can often lead to toothache.

Dry Mouth

If you've got a stuffy nose, you are more likely to breathe through your mouth, making it go dry. Some antihistamines also cause dry mouth as a side effect. When your mouth is short of moisture, there is less saliva to wash away bacteria, and may result in tooth decay or gum disease.

Sore Throat

Allergies often cause a sore throat due to post nasal drip, which is when the mucus travels from the sinuses down to the back of your throat. A sore throat can lead to bad breath, which cannot be addressed by brushing teeth alone.

How to Prevent Seasonal Allergies

In order to fight back, take some preventive measures to keep your oral health in check. Here is what you need to do:

Stay Hydrated

Make sure you drink plenty of water to maintain the amount of moisture in your mouth. This way, you will be able to avoid a dry mouth and flush extra mucus from your system.

Gargle with Salt Water

Take a tablespoon of salt and dissolve it in warm water. Gargle and spit to get relief from sinus pain. This helps wash mucus out from your sinuses and eradicate harmful bacteria from your throat and mouth.

Brush and Floss

Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly is the key to maintaining your dental health. It eliminates the problem of a dry mouth and keeps your teeth healthy and strong.

If you are experiencing allergy symptoms that is taking a toll on your oral health, schedule a dental visit with us at Thurston Oaks Dental by calling us at Thurston Oaks Dental. We can diagnose whether or not your symptoms are allergy-related and take suitable remedial measures.
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