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Home About Dental Blog Halloween - A Myth That Sugarcoats the Teeth

Halloween - A Myth That Sugarcoats the Teeth

Posted on 10/13/2014 by Alan Snodgrass
Halloween - A Myth That Sugarcoats the TeethWith Halloween quickly approaching your kids' candy consumption is sure to increase. Here is something to think about, many people think tooth decay is related to the amount of sugar a person consumes.

In fact, though, according to faculty at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, it's not the amount of sugar but the time sugar remains on the teeth that is the culprit in tooth decay.

A person who eats candy throughout the day is more prone to tooth decay that someone that eats the same amount of candy in a short period of time. Limiting the intake of all forms of sugar to specific times followed by brushing can help you keep your kids teeth healthy.
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