We all want to have healthy teeth, but many of us may not be aware that we are sabotaging our tooth health with little daily mistakes. This is the continuation of our previous article about wrecking your teeth.
Coffee Time:
Drinking coffee is one of the leading causes of dark stains on the teeth. Because of its color and high acidic content, coffee stains stick to your teeth and can affect your smile.
White and Red Wines:
Both kinds of wine have a high level of acidity and make your teeth more susceptible to staining so if you drink wine, be sure to rinse or brush immediately afterward.
Tongue Piercings:
Ouch! Although it is hard to imagine poking a hole in your tongue on purpose, thousands of people do it every day. Little do they know that biting on metal or rubbing metal against tooth enamel and gums can cause permanent damage.
Binge Eating:
Eating a lot usually results in having more sweets than you would normally consume. First, try to avoid the binge and eat thoughtfully. We know that sometimes nothing can replace sweets, so make sure you have extra floss and toothpaste where you can get to it in a hurry.
Playing Sports Unprotected:
When you play a contact sport, you want to make sure to protect your mouth. This means wearing a mouth guard at every game and practice. If you do not, you risk chipping or even losing a tooth to a wayward ball, glove or racket.
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