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Home About Dental Blog Brushing for Two?

Brushing for Two?

Posted on 5/20/2013 by Alan Snodgrass
HBrushing for Two?While you may be eating for two during your pregnancy, you need to brush for two as well. Pregnancy may not cause you to lose a tooth, but it can put you at risk in the dental department. You will be eating twice as much food, so you can expect to be at a higher risk for tooth decay and gum disease throughout your pregnancy.

During your pregnancy you are at risk of experiencing "pregnancy gingivitis." If you suffer from this condition, expect your gums to bleed, in addition to extreme swelling. Studies show that an average of 50 to 70 percent of pregnant women will experience pregnancy gingivitis. It is 7 times more likely that a woman suffering from pregnancy gingivitis will give birth to a child with a low-birth weight, or go into pre-mature labor.

Some pregnancies are planned, but others are not. If you take proper care of your teeth – regular brushings, flossing and dentist checkups – you are more likely to avoid pregnancy gingivitis. If you are one of the women that suffer from this condition, a dentist can safely perform medical procedures that will not harm you or the baby.

To prevent pregnancy gingivitis, you should avoid:

•  Eating junk food.
•  Sharing food or eating utensils.
•  A high intake of sugar.

You want to do everything possible to have a healthy pregnancy, and maintain a healthy mouth. If you take proper care of your teeth, you can avoid any dental risks and damage to your teeth throughout your pregnancy.
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