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Home About Dental Blog Who is a Candidate for General Anesthesia for Dental Procedures?

Who is a Candidate for General Anesthesia for Dental Procedures?

Posted on 11/1/2023 by Weo Admin
gloved hand holds breathing mask to sleeping patient's faceGeneral anesthesia is the kind of sedation used for major surgeries; it may necessitate a few days in the hospital. An anesthesiologist is often required to be present during its administration. It renders patients asleep, so they are not conscious of anything during therapy.

Some dentists may claim to provide "sleep dentistry," but they may promote sedative methods that do not put patients to sleep. To set reasonable expectations, you should inquire about the procedures they employ.

How Does General Anesthesia Work?

Strong sedatives are injected intravenously or inhaled through a mask to achieve general anesthesia. It has an instantaneous impact. You will not feel a thing when dentists do your oral surgery, but they will continuously monitor you. Your vital signs, breathing, and heart rate will be monitored continuously to guarantee your safety throughout the treatment. You will likely feel sleepy after the sedatives wear off, so avoid driving or engaging in other potentially hazardous activities until your full awareness returns.

Who Can Get Dental Work Done Under General Anesthesia?

You might benefit from general anesthesia if you need substantial dental work or many treatments done at once. Those who suffer from severe dental anxiety or have physical limitations that make it difficult to remain still during treatment may also be prescribed.

Not everyone can benefit from it, of course. It may be dangerous to receive general anesthesia if you are pregnant, have breathing problems, or have other health issues. Your oral surgery team will consider all of these before giving any sedation.

Learn About the Procedure

Our company has board-certified dental surgeons who provide a full range of sedation options, from local to general anesthesia. Contact us if you have questions about how we might assist you in maintaining a state of tranquility and comfort throughout your upcoming major dental surgery.

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